Export Promotion Measures for BSfD Partners

All activities target export ready companies in countries of Africa and Asia (Partner countries of former GBN + Bangladesh). The project contains activities that will be organised cross country but also activities specific for each country. The supported business sectors are Tourism, Fresh Produce and Natural Ingredients. To guarantee a sustainable export promotion, sequa supports export promotion agencies and comparable stakeholders in their development of export related services.


Field of Activity
Trade Promotion
CG Importförderung
Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Ivory Coast, Cambodia, Cameroon, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda
01.06.2021 – 31.12.2023
Project ID908
Project TitleCooperation network Business Scouts for Development (BSfD)
Project Budget273.817,00 EUR
ClientGIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit
Applicant/Offeror sequa gGmbH

Project Target

The aim of this project is, to create an income increase as well as new employment, through the means of tailored export promotion activities. All activities target the establishment of new business relationships with European buyers.


 Maria Kapil
Maria Kapil

+49 (0) 228 98238-868