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Employment promotion in Mauretania
The GIZ project ‘Promotion of employment and development of the private sector’ in Mauritania focuses on improving the employability of graduates from the TVET and training system. The project is supporting the country’s priorities in the TVET and employment sectors by promoting the implementation of the National Strategy for Technical Education and Vocational Training, as well as the successful joint operationalization of the Operational Action Plan of the National Employment Strategy. The major aim is to facilitate young people’s access to quality training, especially in emerging and promising occupations, by strengthening the national training system In order to support GIZ in the successful implementation of the above-mentioned project, sequa is offering its service portfolio as a sub-project ‘Business Membership Organizations development, support and involvement for better VET in Mauretania’. This project aims to effectively involve the private sector in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation within the TVET system. Furthermore, it also promotes awareness in the private sector, which is necessary in order to be able to fully fulfil the tasks assigned to the private sector in the future.
Project ID | 1128 |
Project Title | Successful together in Mauretania – Employment promotion and private sector development |
Project Budget | 248.580,00 EUR |
Client | GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit |
Project Target
sequa’s contributions will focus on achieving Output 2 and Output 4 of the module.
Output 2: Inclusive Mechanisms for Local Training and Labour Market Committees
Objective: Strengthen local employment committees (CLEs) to improve participatory mechanisms in vocational training and employment promotion.
Output 4: Demand-Oriented Short-Term Qualification Programs
Objective: Enable state and non-state training providers to deliver market-relevant short-term qualifications.