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Pilot SME Support Scheme in Rwanda
sequa aims to facilitate business growth and job creation of Rwandan small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by increasing their competitiveness and productivity so that their products and services will satisfy the demand on local and international markets. A specific focus will be provided for job-creation and employability training for women. Benefiting companies receive flexible and demand-oriented support.
Read moreTrade fair presence of Indian companies
As part of the GIZ programme Supporting Agro-ecological Transformation Processes in India (SuATI), sequa is implementing an export promotion project for Indian companies in the agricultural sector. The aim of the project is to strengthen trade relations between India and Europe and to support Indian companies in placing their products on the European markets. The project offers targeted preparatory workshops and individual coaching for the companies participating in the BIOFACH 2025 trade fair. At the trade fair, companies will be supported in B2B meetings with potential European buyers to facilitate negotiations on new business opportunities. A targeted follow-up of the matchmaking appointments ensures that the companies are optimally prepared for their export activities.
Read moreEmpowering women and girls in Egypt
In the framework of the special initiative “Decent work for a just transition”, the PartnerAfrica project between the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) gGmbH and the Egyptian Bio-Dynamic Association (EBDA) and SEKEM Development Foundation (SDF) aims to empower women and girls in rural Egypt in terms of career opportunities and participation in the labor market. Skills-based career guidance and job placement programs for women and girls are planned. They will also benefit from improved health insurance and healthcare. The project partners are planning to implement new instruments in the organizational development of women.
Read moreProWOOD+
The project aims to improve the situation of formally and informally employed workers in the Rwandan timber sector. Particularly at the state-supported artisan centres (ICPCs) through the cooperation with trade unions. In addition, a system for 'Recognition of prior learning' for Rwanda's timber sector is being developed, introduced and applied by certifiying workers. The ‘Carpentress Club’ initiative, launched as part of the proWOOD project to promote women in the sector, is being strengthened organisationally and rolled out nationwide. Last but not least, the cooperation between stakeholders in the timber value chain in Rwanda is being strengthened with the help of round tables and networking events.
Read moreBMO partnership VFI and associations Pakistan
Through the BMO Partnership (KVP), between Verband der Fertigwarenimprteure e.V. ("German Importers") (VFI) Pakistani companies receive guidance from their associations on how to prove compliance with due diligence obligations for their part of the supply chain. The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) affects the management of companies in particular. In order to bring about improvements in due diligence obligations, intensive advice and support is required. To this end, advisors of the associations will be trained and coached by VFI in order to support companies in the process of adopting their management systems and document the results. Furthermore, the associations will receive input on how to position themselves for dialogue with various stakeholders on the topic (members, governments, NGOs, other associations, buyers, etc.).
Read moreBMO Partnership between BDI and ANDI in Colombia
The project aims to support companies in Colombia, particularly in the Valle del Cauca, Bolívar and Atlántico, in the field of green hydrogen and derivatives. The aim is to further develop and professionalise the competencies of the ANDI Chamber of Hydrogen in the field of green hydrogen by expanding the range of information and services offered to member companies. In addition, the Colombian chamber will be empowered to support pilot projects on green hydrogen with a view to creating value chains. There is also a particular focus on international dialogue, especially between German and Colombian companies and experts.
Read morePartnerAfrica-Project BiWe Ruanda
The project is helping to develop attractive new career prospects for young Rwandans in order to be able to respond to the future demand for an eco-sustainable and climate-friendly economy in Rwanda.
Read moreBBP of the NRW building associations in Ethiopia
The project aims to enable a selected vocational training centre to carry out vocational training courses on ‘pipeline-bound supply and waste disposal’ geared towards the needs of the construction sector and to specifically address women. A selected partner institution will be enabled to prepare Ethiopian trainees and job-seeking skilled workers from the construction sector for possible labour migration to Germany. In addition, the Ethiopian partner organisations from the construction sector are working with political decision-makers to develop a concept for a dual training system jointly financed by the state and the private sector.
Read moreTVET Partnership AVT Zanzibar
The TVET partnership in Zanzibar pursues the goal of strengthening public training institutions in such a way that trainees can be taught skills relevant to the labor market and required by the private sector in the field of water and wastewater technology. In the long term, it is intended to contribute to the creation of a sustainable vocational training sector and to the promotion of employment opportunities on the island and to address local challenges, particularly in the area of ??water and wastewater supply.
Read moreEmployment promotion in Mauretania
The GIZ project ‘Promotion of employment and development of the private sector’ in Mauritania focuses on improving the employability of graduates from the TVET and training system. The project is supporting the country’s priorities in the TVET and employment sectors by promoting the implementation of the National Strategy for Technical Education and Vocational Training, as well as the successful joint operationalization of the Operational Action Plan of the National Employment Strategy. The major aim is to facilitate young people’s access to quality training, especially in emerging and promising occupations, by strengthening the national training system In order to support GIZ in the successful implementation of the above-mentioned project, sequa is offering its service portfolio as a sub-project ‘Business Membership Organizations development, support and involvement for better VET in Mauretania’. This project aims to effectively involve the private sector in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation within the TVET system. Furthermore, it also promotes awareness in the private sector, which is necessary in order to be able to fully fulfil the tasks assigned to the private sector in the future.
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