

Gebhard Weiss

Managing Director

Head of Human Resources, Legal, IT + Marketing


Dr. Christiane Beck

Head of International Donors

Client Manager EC Grants

Dr. Julia Bellinghausen

Head of Trade Promotion

Head of Marketing, CRM + Third-Party Business


Anke Borkamm

Head of Accounting

Judith Emmerling

Head of Sourcing + Markets (Berlin)


Dr. Andreas Gemählich

Head of Sourcing + Markets (Bonn)

Natascha Haitz

Management Officer



Alexander Klein

Head of Finance + Administration

Head of Project Controlling

Crisis Management Officer

Jürgen Mähler

Client Manager Consulting


Dr. Ralf Meier

Head of Programmes + Projects

Head of National Donors



Julia Müller

Client Manager KVP + BBP + GP

Chairman of the Works Council


Susanne Sattleger

Head of BMZ Programmes

Client Manager PartnerAfrica

Sabine Schacknat

Client Manager Mobility Programmes


Nawal Schmitz

Client Manager Importpromotion

Daniel Strube

Client Manager GIZ (non-profit)



Inge Zakel-Jackson

Human Resources Officer Occupational Safety Officer