Since 1991, sequa has been active as an implementing organisation for the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The BMZ has provided sequa with funds in the amount of 32 million EUR (2017) for programmes and projects. Among these are:
- the BMO Partnership Programme (KVP)
- the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Partnership Programme (BBP)
- the development partnerships with the private sector (
- the project „Import Promotion Desk (IPD)“
- the project „German-Turkish Partnership for Skills Development“ (TAMEB)“
- the project „K to 12 PLUS“ for vocational training on the Philippines
sequa possesses extensive know-how and varied experience in designing and implementing projects funded by the European Commission, especially EuropeAid. Since 1997 has executed more than 100 projects, e.g. in framework contracts, the programmes Central Asia Invest, AI-Invest and Switch Asia, and sequa continuously applies for both, new grant projects and new service contracts.
In addition, sequa carries out its own mobility programmes (SINDBAD, TRANSDUAL and move-it) for trainees, young professionals and vocational education personnel with funds from the EU programme ERASMUS+.
With funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, sequa launched a pilot project in 2020 together with the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) and the Federal Employment Agency to attract foreign skilled workers to the German craft sector.
sequa has provided consulting and project management services for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH since 1997: at the time being, some 15 projects are ongoing in more than 10 countries. sequa does not participate in GIZ calls for proposal; projects are awarded to sequa either as a grant or – in case sequa is the exclusive provider of the respective service – as a directly awarded service contract.
sequa manages the India-based liaison office for the initiative iMOVE created by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).
Consulting Companies
In a number of service contracts, sequa acts as service provider for several German and European consulting firms, other projects are conducted in cooperation with these clients.
The logos represent a selection of companies with which sequa has collaborated.
Further Clients