About us
sequa is a development organisation active globally. In close cooperation with the German business community, we have been implementing international cooperation projects and programmes since 1991. The company is headquartered in Bonn. sequa employs over 100 people (2024) and generated a turnover of 60 million euros (2023).
The focus of our work is the promotion of the private sector. We offer competence and experience in our business areas of chamber and association promotion, vocational training and trade promotion. Our activities include programme administration as well as project management and advisory services.
We acquire public funds from national and international donors to finance our programmes and projects. Our key clients are the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Commission. Our most important partners in implementation are chambers, associations, educational institutions and companies.
We are a non-profit limited company. Our shareholders are the umbrella organisations of German business (BDA, BDI, DIHK, ZDH) and GIZ.
Our goal is to improve the living and working conditions of as many people as possible. We are convinced that we can only achieve sustainable impact together through close and trustful cooperation both with our domestic and foreign clients and partners.
The quality and efficiency of our work are important to us. We therefore see ourselves as a team and work flexibly with a high degree of personal responsibility. We communicate openly and comprehensively both internally and externally. We practice a goal-oriented and cooperative management style with short decision-making processes. We achieve success together.