German Chambers and Associations Committed to More and Better Employment in Africa
As part of the Marshall Plan with Africa and the G20 Compact with Africa investment partnership, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development launched the special initiative Training and Employment in 2019. The aim of the special initiative, which is called "Decent Work for a Just Transition" since the beginning of 2023, is to use innovative formats and flexible instruments to strengthen the conditions for private investment and to create more and better employment opportunities for the rapidly growing young population in Africa. The special initiative is active in the following countries: Egypt, Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, and Tunisia.
The BMZ has invited the German chambers and associations to become involved in the special initiative. They can propose their own projects, provided they meet the specific requirements of the special initiative and contribute to the objectives of the special initiative – namely the promotion of jobs and investments. PartnerAfrika projects basically follow the concept of sequa’s partnership programmes KVP and BBP.
sequa is responsible to the BMZ for the implementation and quality management of the PartnerAfrica projects. Proposals for PartnerAfrica projects can be submitted to sequa directly (Sample Sketch, Word-Document, in German only).


Insights into PartnerAfrica projects
Further Information (in German only)
Special initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" (in German only):
BMZ Information Sheet for Special Initiative (PDF)