Trade for growth and transformation

Trade not only creates new employment and income opportunities, but also enables the exchange of technologies and knowledge for an ecologically and socially sustainable value creation.

In the anniversary year "10 years Import Promotion Desk" sequa has anchored its experience in this important area more deeply in the corporate strategy and now offers services and project management for the promotion of trade from partner countries also beyond the Import Promotion Desk.

sequa acts in an advisory capacity and as project manager for national and international donors. In doing so, we use our broad network of experienced experts, relevant national and international associations as well as German and European importers, which we have built up over many years. Our main client in the field of import promotion is currently the GIZ.


Nawal Schmitz

Client Manager Import Promotion



Fields of Activities

Working with Exporters

  • Selection of export-ready companies
  • Preparation of companies for market entry through training, coaching and provision of market information
  • Participation in European trade fairs and other matchmaking events
  • Support in follow-up and concrete business initiations


Working with Business Support Organisations (BSOs)

  • Supporting export promotion agencies or sector associations in export-specific service development.
  • Possible topics of cooperation are
    • Market Intelligence
    • Trade fair preparation
    • Trade Fair participation
    • CSR

Trade Fairs


Anuga (General Food and Beverage Exhibition),
4.-8. October 2025, Cologne

World of Coffee, 26-28. June 2025, Genova

GITEX Europe (Event for Tech und Startups),
21-23. May 2025, Berlin

in-cosmetics, 8.-10. April 2025, Amsterdam

TRANSFORM (digital exhibition), 19.-20. March 2025, Berlin

Biofach (organic food fair), 11.-14. February 2025, Nuremberg

Fruit Logistica, 5.-7- February 2025, Berlin

ISM International Trade Fair for Confectionery and Snacks, 2.-5. February 2025, Cologne


Food Ingredients Europe – FIE, 19.-21. November 2024, Frankfurt

SIAL - Salon International de l’alimentation, 19.-23. October 2024, Paris

Fruit Attraction, 8.-10. October 2024, Madrid

London Wine Fair, 20.-22. May 2024, London   Catalogue

IFE – The International Food & Drink Event, 25.-27. March 2024, London   Catalogue

CosmoProf, 21.-24. March 2024, Bologna   Catalogue

ITB-Berlin (International Tourism Fair), 05.-07. March 2024, Berlin   Catalogue

Spielwarenmesse (Toy Fair), 30. January - 3 February 2024, Nuremberg   Catalogue

Trade fair for sweets and snacks (ISM), 28.-31. January 2024, Cologne  Catalogue

Project Examples

Establishing trade relations within the Green Innovation Centres programme in the agri-food sector

Companies from five partner countries were selected for a trade fair preparation programme and specifically prepared for trade fair participation. One focus was on BIOFACH, the leading trade fair for organic food and natural ingredients. After two years of project runtime, the export volume of the companies could be increased by establishing new business contacts.

Project information

Export promotion within the cooperation network Business Scouts for Development

The project is based on four measures: 1. companies in the tourism industry were trained in sustainable tourism, marketing and market knowledge of the German travel market. 2. companies were sensitised to the topic of CSR in an industry-open manner. 3. Selected companies were prepared for the export of natural ingredients to the European market and for participation in trade fairs in Europe, and were supported in establishing contacts with European importers. 4. In order to establish sustainable export promotion structures in the partner countries, the focus was also on working with business support organisations.

Project information

Increasing income and employment in selected micro and medium-sized enterprises in the organic agri-food sector

In this project, the focus is on BIOFACH. Selected producers are prepared for participation in the world's leading event for organic food either as visitors or as exhibitors and are professionally accompanied during their trade fair appearance and presented to European buyers.

Project information

Enhancing Jordanian products’ access into the European market and business linkages (within the framework of the Trade4Employment project)

Within the framework of the GIZ program "Trade for Employment Promotion", sequa is implementing a component for the targeted promotion of Jordanian business associations and companies in order to improve the trade performance of Jordanian companies. In addition to various training measures, including a study tour to Germany and the Netherlands, selected companies are supported in their participation in the trade fairs Anuga in Cologne and Fruit Attraction in Madrid.

Project information

Sucess Stories

Marula oil from Namibia

Soy from Togo