Export of German dual vocational training services to India
iMOVE is an agency which has been established by Germany’s Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and which is targeting to facilitate, support and accompany the export of German dual vocational training services to other countries. Since the beginning of 2016, sequa’s project office in Noida near New Delhi/India has been managing the BMBF-funded activities of iMOVE in India.
Our iMOVE team is marketing the brand "Training - Made in Germany", is organizing events, is supporting VET-initiatives in India and is a point of contact for German-Indian co-operations in the filed of vocational education and training.
iMOVE India contributes to paving the way between the offer of and the demand for German VET services in India.
The project is part of the efforts to reform the Indian vocational training sector with the support of private German training providers, to implement practical training elements within the Indian VET system, and to adapt the Indian VET system to the demand of the private sector.
iMOVE is carrying out further bilateral activities of this kind in China and Iran.

A practical example of the vocational training activities supported by iMOVE in India is the long-term cooperation between the Vocational Training Centres of the Bavarian Economy (bfz) and two Indian Advanced Training Institutes (ATI) in Bangalore and Mumbai, which qualify Indian master trainers in the fields of welding and mechatronics.
Another good example of iMOVE's placement activities is its work with the company IACM SmartLearn Ltd. (Institute for Advanced Computing and Management), one of India's largest private training providers with more than 500 training centres in India. In 2017, iMOVE's Indian office operated with sequa enabled IACM to establish concrete contacts with German training providers with regard to the planned establishment of a "Centre of Excellence" in the field of building technology.