Cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
sequa has been working for GIZ since 1997. Individual GIZ programmes and projects request sequa for consulting and project management services. The internal and external staff assigned by sequa is actively involved in the implementation of the programmes and contributes to the realisation of objectives and results.
At present sequa is active for GIZ in about 15 projects in more than 10 countries. Contracts have a duration of between 12 and 30 months. The contribution of sequa to the projects ranges from individual consulting and training assignments to the responsibility for targets and subcomponents, including the deployment of short- and long-term personnel.

The work of sequa for GIZ focuses on the following topics:
Chambers and Associations
- Organisational development for the improvement of structures and management
- Professionalization of interest representation and policy dialogue
- Development and extension of services for companies
Private Sector Promotion
- Local and regional economic development
- Work with entrepreneurial groups (Nucleus approach)
- Promotion of labour and social standards
- Business development services (BDS)
- Green skills
- Gender
Vocational Training
- Curricula development
- Training of Trainers
- Development and adaptation of job profiles
- Development and adaptation of qualification and certification standards
- Promotion of dialogue structures between public and private sector
- Consulting for companies, vocational schools, chambers and associations, certification bodies, educational agencies
- Identification and training of exporters
- Specific market information
- Support for trade fair participation and buyers missions
- Business development with European importers
- Capacity development for export promotion organisations
The financial volume of sequa's work for GIZ varies:
- Individual consulting or training assignments approx. 100,000 Euro
- Responsibility for subcomponents approx. 1 - 2 million Euro
sequa is contracted either per service contract (awarded directly in case sequa is the only possible project implementer) or per grant. sequa does not participate in GIZ tenders.