Projects for the European Union
Already in 1995, sequa started to work with the European Commission. In various programmes and budget lines sequa develops projects with its partners and acquires the necessary funds. We manage the entire project cycle from idea to implementation to evaluation. The spectrum covers programmes as diverse as Al-INVEST Verde, SWITCH-Asia and Central Asia Invest, local programmes e.g. for business incubation as well the EU Trust Fund for Africa. Our partners can be German and European organisations as well as institutions from the target country or other eligible nations (depending on the call for proposals). The important thing is that all partners complement each other and are able to contribute their core competences.
sequa is currently active for the European Union in 10 grant projects. The majority of contracts has a duration of between 36 and 48 months.

Our approach
A strong partner focus is at the centre of our approach: The projects are developed jointly, from drafting of the concept note to the full application -- usually on the ground. Due to many years of experience in programme and project management, sequa usually assumes the lead role but also acts as co-applicant and complementary knowledge provider with trusted partners.
Private sector promotion and its different aspects such as vocational education, sustainability, Green Growth, organisational development, SME promotion, and trade is central and overall objective at all times.
Enhancing the organisational structure and performance of the partners plays an important role in the implementation of projects. These generally are private sector representatives like chambers of commerce and industry and business associations or other relevant actors from the private sector, the vocational training field or civil society. Provided by sequa and, where necessary, by external experts, capacity building always constitutes an integral part of the project work. It caters to all organisational dimensions:
- Management
- Services
- Advocacy
Topics and competences
BMO Promotion
- Organisational analysis and assessment
- Identification of demands and needs
- Development and expansion of services
- Improved structures and management
- Development of processes
- Improved membership orientation
- Professionalisation of advocacy and public private dialogue
- Improved external and internal communication
Vocational and educational training
- Development of curricula
- Training of Trainers
- Adaptation of occupational profiles
- Qualification and examination standards
- Promotion of dialogue structures between the public and private sector
- Consulting for companies, vocational schools, business chambers and associations, certification authorities and educational agencies
- Identification of private sector / labour market demands
- Validation of competences
- Identification and training of suitable exporters
- Generation of specific market data
- Support at trade fairs and buying missions
- Business initiation with European importers
- Training on market access requirements
- Compliance Capacity Building
SME Promotion
- Development of corporate services (CS)
- Work with business groups (“nucleus approach”)
- Start-up promotion
- Entrepreneur training
- Local and regional business development
- Regional economic areas
- Public private dialogue
Sustainability / Green Growth
- Sustainable consumption and production
- Promotion of work, environmental and social standards
- Renewable energy
- Green Skills
- Gender and social inclusion
- Promotion of value chains
- Anti-corruption and CSR