Trade Promotion

Worldwide: Training Courses on Supply Chain Legislation

Within the framework of the BMZ funded GIZ project Agency for Business and Development,  sequa has been tasked to train suppliers from developing and emerging countries (DEC) on the requirements of European and German supply chain legislation.

Quelle: Catherine Hebting, Consultant

The aim of the project is to embed suppliers into European supply chains and enable them to make a sustainable contribution to the socio-ecological development in their countries. Producers from DECs will take part in webinars on social and environmental standards and also receive practical implementation support in order to meet the requirements of European and German legislation.

The webinars aim to provide basic knowledge on compliance and sustainability standards for suppliers. On this basis, exporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) from developing and emerging countries are to be supported in risk analysis and the development of action plans. A total of six training units consisting of group sessions and individual coaching sessions over a period of twelve months are planned.

The regions will be selected according to demand and can be adapted as the project progresses. The project will start in the Greater South Africa region.

In addition to the practice-oriented training module, which is conducted by sequa, the SMEs also have the opportunity to participate in two complementary modules. These are offered by the other partners, namely: AWE, BGA in cooperation with various AHKs (German Chamber of Commerce Abroad).


 Lasse Lohmann
Lasse Lohmann

+49 (0) 228 98238-329