Business Membership Organisations

Trilateral partnership to enhance sustainability and just transition

As part of a new Business Membership Organisation Partnership (KVP), the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA) and chambers in Peru and Bolivia are working together on sustainability-oriented services for the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the two partner countries.



The first phase of a BMO partnership project between the BGA and the Peruvian chambers Cámara de Comercio de Lima (CCL) and Cámara de Comercio de La Libertad (CCLL) as well as the Bolivian Cámara de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Turismo de Santa Cruz (CAINCO) was launched in December 2024. An additional strategic partner is the Asociación de Gremios Productores Agrarios del Perú (AGAP). The project aims at supporting the three organisations in their further development in terms of promoting a Just Transition. Activities include organisational development based on the exchange of experiences between the partner organisations in Peru and Bolivia and the development and diversification of business services they offer in the areas of sustainability, green economy, digitalisation and gender equality. The impetus provided by the project is intended to create a trilateral partnership with the aim of establishing a long-lasting exchange and cooperation between the project partners in the two countries beyond the end of the project. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as part of Partners in Transformation (PiT).


 Judith Heckmann
Judith Heckmann

+49 (0) 228 98238-54