Business Membership Organisations

Serbia: Biogas partnership to promote renewable energies

The German-Serbian biogas partnership between the German Biogas Association (FvB) and the Serbian Biogas Association (SBA) is entering its second phase. After laying the foundations for the development of the Serbian biogas sector in the first phase of the Business Membership Organisation Partnerships (KVP), the focus is now on further professionalising the SBA and increasing its financial independence.



Quelle: FvB

In this project phase, the SBA will be strengthened to play a more prominent role as a central and recognized organization in Serbia's biogas sector. A key aspect is the expansion of the membership base and the development of new revenue streams. The goal is to reduce the SBA's reliance on membership fees by broadening its financial base through additional services and fundraising activities.

Moreover, the SBA will continue to solidify its position as the representative of the biogas sector by actively participating in international collaborations and intensifying its advocacy efforts. This will enable the association to more effectively influence the political and economic framework conditions for the biogas sector.

By strengthening the SBA, the project will contribute to the sustainable development of the biogas sector in Serbia in the long term. The increased use of biogas as a renewable energy source will not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality but also stimulate the local economy, particularly in rural areas. Additionally, the project supports Serbia's transition to a more sustainable energy supply and makes a significant contribution to environmental and climate protection in the country. The KVP is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as part of the Partners in Transformation programme.


Dr. Roland Strohmeyer

+49 (0) 228 98238-38