Since November 2021, Internationaler Bund (IB), together with the Federal Training Center for Carpenters and Finishers, the Technical University of Central Hesse (THM) and the company FingerHaus, are supporting the transfer of innovative know-how in the wood sector to Rwanda. Within the framework of the project work, modern training offers and innovative services are to be established with the project partners RTC, IPRC Kitabi and Rwanda Wood Value Chain Association. Small and medium-sized enterprises are to be directly supported through technology transfer and innovations. In this way, the project can contribute to the development of a modern wood cluster in the Western Province of Rwanda. In addition to employment effects, this cluster should also have a model function for the careful use of resources and environmental protection. The project is financed by the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in the framework of the PartnerAfrica program under the Special Initiative Training and Jobs and implemented with sequa.
Vocational Education and Training
Rwanda: Innovation and Technology Transfer for the Wood Sector
A new PartnerAfrica project of sequa between the German partner Internationaler Bund and Rwandan educational institutions and professional associations brings German know-how in the wood sector to Rwanda to promote innovative start-ups and open up new fields of work for young people.

Quelle: RTC Rubengera/Tim Buluthardt
- Project:

Henry Höschler
+49 (0) 228 98238-24