Vocational Education and Training

Nigeria: Private Sector Engagement in TVET

In November 2024, sequa launched a new project in Nigeria with the aim of further expanding the private sector's involvement in vocational training. The focus is on cooperation with the Organised Private Sector of Nigeria (OPSN), the umbrella of the five most important associations in Nigeria (MAN, NACCIMA, NASME, NASSI and NECA). The project is funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the Skills Development for Youth Employment (SKYE) programme.

Source: sequa

Quelle: sequa

The project, funded by the GIZ SKYE II program, builds on the results of a predecessor project carried out between 2019 and 2023. In this earlier project, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry ACCI, OGUNCCIMA, LCCI, and ONICCIMA, as well as the Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI), were involved in piloting and introducing six cooperative training programs alternating between workplace and training center, based on Competency-Based Training (CBT). In the new project, collaboration will be expanded to public vocational schools. OPSN will continue its work on establishing new Sector Skills Councils, thereby laying the foundation for private sector participation in the development of occupational standards and enabling demand-driven vocational training. To ensure quality and sustainability for the training, which takes place half of the time in companies, a standard for in-company trainers will also be developed.


 Bettina Müller
Bettina Müller

+49 (0) 228 98238-31