Trade Promotion

Jordan: Buying Mission Dates

Travel with sequa in cooperation with IPD - Import Promotion Desk to the medjool date country Jordan! 

Join us on our Buying Mission to Jordan – Medjool dates, “king of fruits and fruit of kings”!

23 – 26 September 2024; Register by 8 July 2024!

Visit reliable date and fruit producers, carefully selected and evaluated by sequa / IPD, and get to know your new suppliers directly on site!

Jordan Medjool dates, often referred to as the “king of fruits and fruit of kings”, are renowned for their delicious taste, rich texture, and numerous health benefits. The area planted with date palms in Jordan is approximately 4,500 ha, with an estimated annual expansion rate of about 10 %. The favourable microclimate conditions in the Jordan Valley result in higher productivity and consistent,  high-quality standards to meet consumer expectations. Certified to comply with international food safety requirements, Jordanian dates are stored under high standards, minimizing market bottlenecks.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Visits around 9 reliable suppliers of dates in Jordan, accompanied by sequa / IPD experts.
  • If requested, there will also be an alternative program for fresh fruits, e.g. berries.
  • First-hand information about the entire value chain: from cultivation and processing to logistics and export.
  • Exclusively arranged company visits and customised B2B meetings.
  • Fully organised logistics in Jordan by sequa / IPD.

More information on the trip and the registration link can be found here: 

This activity is carried out under the frame of the Trade for Employment (T4E) project implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


 Nawal Schmitz
Nawal Schmitz

+49 (0) 228 98238-860