With the Skilled Crafts Fund Plus, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) aims to mobilise the expertise of the German skilled crafts sector for development cooperation. The fund is part of the Partners in Transformation network. It is implemented in cooperation with the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH).
Proposals for measures for a business partnership should be developed jointly by the German and foreign partners and must pursue development policy-relevant objectives, e.g. further develop products or services of the foreign partner company or improve processes and working conditions. Proposals that support the transition to a fairer and more environmentally friendly society are particularly welcome.
The duration of the measures should be rather short, approx. 3-6 months up to a maximum of twelve months. Funding is available for the personnel, travel and material costs required for implementation. Project proposals can be submitted to sequa until 15 September 2024. The decision and notification of selection will be made by the end of October 2024.
A guideline to the idea competition and a form for participating in the competition can be found here (German only): www.sequa.de/projekte-programme/handwerksfonds-plus/ . For queries and further information, please contact Dr Roland Strohmeyer; Tel: 0228 98238 38; e-mail: roland.strohmeyer@sequa.de.