Business Membership Organisations

Egypt: Organic agriculture

The 2nd phase of the chamber and association partnership between the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. (bbw) and the organic farming associations in Egypt started in December 2021. During the project progress review in October 2024, the project was certified a very good performance.

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

The project was rated as extremely successful by the evaluator. The two Egyptian partners EBDA (Egyptian Biodynamic Association) and IDAM (Integral Development Action of Minia) actively cooperated in a constructive, structured and committed manner until the end of the project. Both partners were able to significantly improve their services, supported by a committed project team that set high quality standards. In addition, the former ‘Organic Egypt’ project structure gave rise to an umbrella organisation for organic farming, which will not only ensure the sustainability of what has been achieved so far, but will also act as a centre of excellence for organic farming and make important contributions to improving framework conditions. This approach is now being further developed in a PartnerAfrica project also being carried out by bbw.

For future projects of this kind, the evaluator recommends a stronger integration of producers into local markets and the sustainable implementation of quality assurance systems as a central field of action. A diversification of distribution channels and targeted market development measures could support this process. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development within "Partners in Transformation".


 Ute Reckers
Ute Reckers

+49 (0) 228 98238-73