Business Membership Organisations

Brazil: 2nd phase of the “DEL Turismo” partnership project

The second phase of the successful chamber and association partnership between the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V. (bbw) and business associations from all five regions of Brazil will start in November 2024. Once again, the focus is on sustainable tourism, with an increased focus on networking and institutionalisation at national, regional and local level as well as through international cooperation.

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Anne Oertel, bbw

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

Quelle: Ute Reckers, sequa

In the second phase of the chamber and association partnership, the capacities of the partner organisations are to be strengthened in order to make more efficient use of Brazil's tourism potential and to benefit the destinations and companies in the sector. The DEL and LED concept for local economic development provides the methodological basis for this. It promotes participatory and democratic processes and involves the private sector, the public sector and civil organisations equally in decision-making.

The focus on the tourism sector is highly relevant for the project partners, as Brazil offers great potential for tourism development that has hardly been exploited to date. Tourism-based local development is carried out in harmony with the ecological sustainability of the destinations, the social well-being of employees in the sector and the host communities.

It is therefore less about simply increasing the number of tourists and more about coordinated municipal planning for the development of sustainable “soft” tourism that is particularly geared towards domestic tourism, is socially and ecologically compatible and offers economic benefits to the local population.

The Dutch Green Destinations Foundation will also support the project in the second phase with the certification of destinations and tourism companies. The certificates are based on the criteria recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and are intended to promote sustainable tourism.


 Ute Reckers
Ute Reckers

+49 (0) 228 98238-73