Initial situation / Problem
With its 11.5 million inhabitants and an area of only 26,338 km², Rwanda is the most densely populated state in Africa. Every year, some 125,000 young people enter the labour market. As a result of the good economic situation, many companies are looking for workers, especially in the construction sector. However, the craft training is designed to import theoretical knowledge. The schools lack trainers with practical knowledge, workshop equipment and consumables. There is little contact with the business world. The young people hardly gain any practical experience during their training and are therefore not attractive to companies as workers. Often, specialists from neighbouring countries who are considered to be better trained and more experienced are used instead. Despite the opportunities offered by the growing labour market in Rwanda, this results in high unemployment or underemployment among vocational school graduates. Many find only casual jobs in the informal sector.
The Rwandan government has recognised the need for more practice-oriented vocational training. Promoting such training is one of the priorities of the national strategy for economic development and poverty reduction (EDPRS II) and the overarching "Vision 2020". In 2015, a vocational training strategy and a Workplace Learning Policy were adopted. Both documents emphasise that the private sector should be more closely involved in the planning and implementation of vocational education and training. Different formats of dual training are to be tested in order to find a suitable approach for the Rwandan context and to introduce it nationwide.
Project objectives
The aim of the project is to test how the Rwandan private sector can be more closely involved in the planning and implementation of craft training using a model of selected construction occupations. This should contribute to the improvement of the employment and income opportunities of vocational school leavers in the building trade.
The BBP project has succeeded in introducing three dual training courses in the construction sector and implementing them several times. The partners involved in the project continue to offer the courses and are in the process of extending the dual approach to other trades. Further dual training courses are in preparation.
In the second project phase, which began in November 2017, IPRC East and SJIT will continue the pilot courses from the first phase largely independently and will be supported in converting further training courses to the dual approach. The company network of the partner schools will be expanded in order to improve the placement of pupils in practical phases and in work. In order to lay the foundations for a broader introduction of the dual approach beyond the pilot courses of the project, studies on the effectiveness and financing possibilities of dual vocational training will be prepared.