01.12.2018 00:00

K to 12 Plus

The project K to 12 PLUS is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to support the educational reform K to 12 in the Philippines. The German-Philippine Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GPCCI) is introducing elements of dual training in the Technical-Vocational-Exit Track of Senior High Schools alongside public and private partners. The training takes place at two locations: the school and the company. The K to 12 PLUS project is implementing an 800-hour industrial immersion program to ensure that students receive the practical training they need to be ready to work after graduation.


Story ID706
Project TitleDual vocational training within the framework of the 'K to 12' reform in the Philippines
ClientBMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Duration 01.10.2016 – 31.10.2020
Project Budget6.004.240,00 EUR
Region Asia
International PartnerAFOS-Stiftung für Unternehmerische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation
Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH)
Local PartnerCebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Microfinance Council of the Philippines
Mindanao Microfinance Council
Philippines Chamber of Commerce and Industry

General project objectives of Kto 12Plus: 
The aim of the project is to contribute to employment and income among young people and their families through the promotion of dual vocational training approaches within the framework of the Philippine 'K to 12' reform and beyond, as well as to cover the companies' need for well-qualified skilled workers at medium and higher levels.

Role of the project partner AHK:
Within the K to 12 PLUS project, the Foreign Chamber of Commerce (AHK) of the Philippines is the project executing agency and responsible for implementing the measures. The AHK focuses on the clusters in the San Pedro region, including the involvement of "German" companies locally, advising Philippine chambers and associations as well as the certification of qualifications and the qualification of trainers. With a special focus on the member companies, the AHK implements dual vocational training according to the quality standards of the IHK-AHK-DIHK network. As such, the AHK sees itself as a showcase for good practice in dual vocational education and training on the German model, which has a positive effect on the development of a local dual vocational education and training system. 

Detailed description of the AHK measure: 
Together with public and private partners, the German-Philippine Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GPCCI) is introducing elements of dual training into the Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track of Senior High Schools, in which training takes place at two locations: the school and the company. The K to 12 PLUS project runs an 800-hour industrial immersion program to ensure that students receive the practical training they need to be ready to work after graduation. 
The following companies are involved: 

  • MHE-Demag
  • TÜV Rhineland
  • Samso-Tite Plastics Inc.
  • Stampform Metalworks, Inc.
  • Rollmaster Machinery 
  • CLP
  • AAJ Fabrication and Machine Shop
  • ACME Tools MFg. Co, Inc.
  • JVV Precision Machine Shop
  • VJF Precision Tooling Corp.

The implementation takes place in two levels of verification: 

  1. All students in metalworking technology at the San Pedro Relocation Center National High School (SPRNHS) have undergone an assessment by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and received the National Certificate I. -> 20 students received the National Certificate I 
  2. An additional assessment of the students enabled them to obtain the Basic Qualification Certificate (BQC). The BQC assessment is a combination of portfolio assessment and oral interview organized and supervised by the German-Philippine Chamber of Industry and Commerce and conducted by a competent panel of assessors. ->17 graduates received the Basic Qualification Certificate 

With these two additional qualifications, students have a competitive advantage when entering the world of work. 
This supports the overarching objective of Kto12Plus, the promotion of vocational school graduates and the increase of their chances of employment. 


“The program helps the students. Students can learn but also gain hands-on experience in the meantime. This is good, because when you graduate, you’re no longer scared, you have gained confidence already.”

- Jomari Marcelino- Trainee


Dr. Ralf Meier

+49 (0) 228 98238-16