23.04.2019 00:00

Internship abroad within the hairdresser training in Italy

With the help of the financial support of the EU Erasmus+ programme and the organisation of the Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Stade Chamber of Crafts, the trainees Leonie Krämer and Burhan Mustafa were able to complete a three-week internship at a hairdressing salon in Florence, Italy. Thus linguistic and intercultural authority could be developed and the professional experience extended.


Story ID733
Project TitleErasmus+ mobility project in Vocational Training 2017-1-DE02-KA102-003693
Duration 01.06.2017 – 31.05.2019
Project Budget594.893,00 EUR
ProgrammesCG Mobilitätsprogramme
Region Europe
Local PartnerABCHumboldt
ADC College Dublin
Agentur Traumhochzeit
Baslangic Sigorta
Bemas Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret A., Makine Ihtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi
BKIK Budapest
blowUP media UK Ltd
Deichmann Polen
Deichmann Portugal - VKST 0003
Deichmann SE - Modecenterstr.
Deichmann Sko Schweden
Deichmann Sko, Deichmann Schweden
Deichmann Stockholm
Deutsch-Italienische Handelskammer (AHK Italien)
Deutsch-Tschechische Industrie- und Handelskammer
Dudley College of Technology
ECBM - European College of Business and Management
English in Totnes
Eurocultura, Vicenza
Fày Andràs School
Gateway Europa Ltd
GEV Grenz-Echo Verlag
GreCon Ltd.
Hilti AG, Zweigniederlassung Thüringen
IFA Internationaler Fachkräfteaustausch
IFC International Formation Center
KIRCHHOFF Automotive Portugal, S.A.
Laboklin Linz
Lantmännen Maskin
Lidingby Bygg AB
Light on the path
Maritim Hotel Teneriffa
Mercedes Benz Bank
Mercedes-Benz Bank Polska S.A.
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Ceská republika s.r.o.
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services France S.A.,
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services UK Limited
Mobil Elasto France
Mondelez Österreich
New College Group (NCG)
Paragon Limited
PEAB Sverige AB
Raben Group
Rail Cargo Carrier - Italy S.r.l.
Riwega Srl/GmbH – I-39044 Neumarkt(BZ), Obere – Insel – Str. 28
Schmitz Cargobull Ibérica, S.A.
School of Environmental Sciences - University of East Anglia
Scuola Parrucchieri Pino Capasso
Swarowski AG,
TEVIAN – Training Centre
The Ripple Furniture Company Ltd
Tiroler Sparkasse
Ugeavisen Sonderborg & Jydske Vestkysten
vanHaren (Tochtergesellschaft von Deichmann SE)
VEKA Iberica
VEKA Polska
VidaBliss Mobility
Virtumedia b.V.
YouGov UK
Your International Training
Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazialnych Nr. 2

Initial situation / Problem:
For more than 26 years, sequa gGmbH has been organising mobility programmes in which trainees are able to spend time abroad in Europe in order to build up and expand their linguistic and professional skills within Europe.
The Erasmus+ programme promotes competences that are becoming increasingly important on the labour market, such as technical and methodological competence, action competence and social competence. By giving young people the opportunity to develop their abilities and skills through experience abroad, the programme makes a small and important contribution to combating youth unemployment in Europe.  
As part of the Erasmus+ programme, Leonie and Burhan completed a three-week internship in Florence. The Scuola Parrucchieri Pino Capasso hairdressing salon celebrated a round birthday this year, as the Italian partner institution has been accepting German trainees for 10 years. 

Project objectives
The overall objective of the mobility programme is to improve and internationalise vocational education and training in Europe. It supports the mobility of trainees in the dual initial training, learners in the first year after the examination and of vocational training personnel. 
Within the internship abroad in the Italian hairdressing salon the experiences in the occupation, in addition, the social, linguistic and intercultural authority should be extended. 

The internship abroad was a positive life experience for both Leonie Krämer and Burhan Mustafa. The stay in the PLUS Hostel Florence made it possible for the trainees to establish social contacts even outside the internship. Furthermore, the exchange of experiences regarding professional competences was helpful for all participating companies. The hospitality of the Italian colleagues was highly appreciated by both trainees and appreciated with a gift from them. And also the Chamber of Crafts honoured the 10 years of successful cooperation with a photo book and a small celebration. 

"It was very nice and interesting to experience how differently the Italians work and to be a part of the team. Everyone was super nice and kind and always helped us." (Leonie Krämer and Burhan Mustafa)


Sabine Schacknat

+49 (0) 228 98238-35