20.11.2018 00:00

Formados - Vocational training promotion in Ecuador

Practice-oriented vocational training for young people in Ecuador - that is the aim of the Formados initiative. For 5 years now, the project has been promoting dialogue between the private sector and the public sector in Ecuador in the field of dual training. To this end, 8 training courses are being implemented, thus improving the competitiveness of companies and the employability of young people.



Story ID721
Project TitleVocational training partnership between the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and chambers, associations and vocational training institutions in Ecuador
ClientBMZ - Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Duration 01.12.2016 – 30.11.2019
Project Budget1.162.700,00 EUR
ProgrammesCG KVP BBP GP
Region Latin America & Caribbean
Local PartnerAsociación de confeccionistas textiles (ACONTEX)
Asociación de Industriales Textiles del Ecuador (AITE)
Asociación Ecuatoriana de Industriales de la Madera (AIMA)
Asociación Ecuatoriana de Plásticos (ASEPLAS)
Asociación Ecuatoriana de Software (AESOFT)
Cámara de Industrias de Guayaquil (CIG)
Cámara de Industrias y Producción de Pichincha (CIP)
Cámara de Industrias, Producción y Empleo (CIPEM)
Secretaria de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT)

The partnership project between the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce e. V. (DIHK) and the Ecuadorian state vocational training agency SE-NESCYT, as well as three chambers and five trade associations in Ecuador, have been in existence since December 2013. It is working at several points at once to promote dual vocational training on a sustainable basis. These measures include:

  •     Support for local chambers and associations
  •     Moderation and institutionalisation of public-private dialogue, and
  •     Influencing the legal framework for dual training in Ecuador

Formados" successfully promotes the reform of the vocational training system in Ecuador.

Dual training as a successful model

For many years, dual vocational training in Germany has been a central factor for the economic success of companies and the national economy. It ensures that companies have a demand for skilled workers, facilitates the transition from school to work for young people and reduces youth unemployment.

With the vocational training partnership "Formados", practical knowledge is passed on to the partners in Ecuador. By involving companies more closely in the training process, vocational training is to become more practice-oriented step by step.

In the long term, this should increase the employability and professional qualification of the workforce and at the same time increase the productivity and competitiveness of Ecuadorian companies.

Practical learning in 8 different training courses

The project activities of "Formados" are specifically aimed at establishing an institutionalised dialogue between the public and private sectors. Another objective is the pilot introduction and implementation of eight dual training courses in the cities of Quito, Cotacachi, Guayaquil, Cuenca and Manta.

The training sectors involved are diverse:

  •     Metal
  •     food technology
  •     Industrial mechanics/electronics
  •     Textile/Fashion
  •     woodwork
  •     Software development
  •     Plastics and rubber technology

Stronger economy and improved labour market situation for young people

The Education Partnership (BBP), which has been running since December 2013, is showing measurable success:

More than 100 companies with around 360 trainers trained by the project are already involved in the training of around 500 trainees.



Judith Heckmann

+49 (0) 228 98238-54