sequaForum 2024 A02: Focus Topic: Ukraine
As challenging and complex as the situation is in Ukraine due to the war, there are also developments that give hope: The Ukrainian government seems to be making great efforts to initiate and implement reforms in many areas of life for the people of Ukraine. To implement a major reform in a country is difficult in itself. Many major reforms are even more difficult. How the Ukrainian government manages this in times of war therefore commands my greatest respect.
For its political efforts, Ukraine receives financial support from international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the EU. Technical support comes from international organisations – including sequa.
The Ukrainian government is already reforming vocational training on its own initiative, introducing dual training courses, modernising their content and promoting cooperation with the private sector. The chances are therefore that the wide rage of support services will fall on fertile ground and have a truly sustainable impact. Perhaps more so than elsewhere.
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Gebhard Weiss
Managing Director