We have reviewed and improved our environmental management at our headquaters in Bonn on the basis of the European EMAS standard. Since March 2024, we have been officially entered in the EMAS register and are committed to the associated obligations.

You can make a contribution to more and higher quality employment in a partner country by introducing need- and practice-oriented vocational training in cooperation with chambers, associations and vocational training institutions. sequa supports you in this.

Make a contribution to more and higher quality employment in a partner country by introducing need- and practice-oriented vocational training in cooperation with chambers, associations and vocational training institutions. sequa supports you in this.

German Chambers and Associations are involved in the BMZ Special Initiative for "Decent Work for a Just Transition"

Would you like to delegate part of your project work to GIZ? sequa supports you competently in the areas of private industry, trade, vocational training, chambers and associations.

You want to import? You lack contacts? Are you looking for a specific product?
The IPD supports you in the international purchase of numerous products and raw materials.

Are you looking for a competent partner to help you develop and implement grant projects? Then you've come to the right place!

Are you looking for a consortium or lead partner for service contracts with competences in the areas of private sector development (PSD), vocational training or capacity building of chambers and associations? We are curious to get to know you and to start doing business with you.

The private sector is mandated by the European Commission to implement measures to promote youth employment in Central and West Africa

iMOVE India
sequa contributes to the export of German dual vocational training services to India. We support iMOVE's efforts to pave the way of German vocational training institutions to India and to enter cooperations with Indian institutions.

Projects and Programmes Worldwide
Mobility Programmes
Your way to an internship abroad
sequa promotes the mobility of apprentices, young professionals and vocational training personnel.
To this end, sequa offers a mobility programme - all within the framework of the
EU ERASMUS+ programme.


Typical Projects
SME Development - Strengthening Economic Organisations in Armenia
SMEDA is a sub-project of the GIZ programme Private Sector Development and Vocational Training in the South Caucasus which has been running in Armenia since 2016 and co-financed by the EU. Since December 2017 sequa has been involved in this project with a component aimed at improving the dialogue between business associations and chambers and…

Typical Projects
Promotion of dual training in the building trade in Rwanda
Since November 2014, the German Koblenz Chamber of Crafts (HWK) has been running a vocational training partnership in Rwanda. Together with the Rwandan Construction Association and selected vocational training centres, four construction occupations are being tested to see how the Rwandan private sector can be more closely involved in the planning…

Typical Projects
Formados - Vocational training promotion in Ecuador
Practice-oriented vocational training for young people in Ecuador - that is the aim of the Formados initiative. For 5 years now, the project has been promoting dialogue between the private sector and the public sector in Ecuador in the field of dual training. To this end, 8 training courses are being implemented, thus improving the competitiveness…

Typical Projects
SMART Myanmar
Project Brief: SMART Myanmar 2.0, a four-year project funded by the European Union, was launched in January 2016. It aims to improve the production and consumption of sustainably produced garments from Myanmar. This will be achieved by extending and improving the best practice mechanisms developed and implemented within the framework of the…

Typical Projects
K to 12 Plus
The project K to 12 PLUS is an initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development to support the educational reform K to 12 in the Philippines. The German-Philippine Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GPCCI) is introducing elements of dual training in the Technical-Vocational-Exit Track of Senior High Schools alongside…

Typical Projects
Internship abroad within the hairdresser training in Italy
With the help of the financial support of the EU Erasmus+ programme and the organisation of the Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Stade Chamber of Crafts, the trainees Leonie Krämer and Burhan Mustafa were able to complete a three-week internship at a hairdressing salon in Florence, Italy. Thus linguistic and intercultural authority could be developed and the…

Typical Projects
Sustainable Traning and Education (STEP)
The project is intended to support educational planning and quality assurance for the effective management of educational reform in Ethiopia. At the level of vocational schools and universities, model institutions are being promoted in the sense of a lighthouse approach in order to offer quality-oriented training geared to the needs of the labour…

Typical Projects
Tunisia Employment Pact
Since 2011, the Federal Republic of Germany has been supporting Tunisia's promotion of employment through the Transformation Partnership for North Africa. The name of the programme "Tunisia Employment Pact" reflects the will to combine the strengths and initiatives of the public sector and the private sector. The common goal is to create jobs,…

Typical Projects
Factory superstar - how mobile apps can change the lives of women in the apparel industry in Myanmar
sequa was commissioned by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) within the framework of the regional programme "Labour and Social Standards in the Textile and Clothing Sector in Asia (especially Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan and China) - SLGS" to implement a project focusing on the empowerment of women workers in…

Typical Projects
Entrepreneurs' Association Partnership in Middle East Region and North Africa
The company Global Project Partners e.V. (GPP) started a partnership project applied for by sequa at the BMZ in 2015, which links the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs (VdU) and five women entrepreneurs' associations from the MENA region (Middle East & North Africa). The project supports female entrepreneurs in the target region through…

Typical Projects
Switch to Green
The SWITCH to Green initiative implemented by the European Union is intended to contribute to the EU's objective of promoting a "green economy". This should generate growth, create jobs and contribute to poverty reduction. By supporting market opportunities for cleaner technologies, energy and resource efficiency, low-carbon development while…

Typical Projects
Forests to promote a good (investment) climate Viet Nam: sequa and ForestFinance support sustainable forest management
Well cultivated round timber – the wood from which high-quality furniture for the international market is manufactured – is in
short supply in Viet Nam, which means the country has to rely on expensive imports. In addition, if Viet Nam is to be competitive in the global market, it must achieve sustainability certification in line with standards…

Typical Projects
From January 2016 to November 2022, sequa realised the "German-Turkish Partnership for Vocational Qualification (TAMEB)" project, which supported Turkey in its efforts to integrate refugees from Syria into Turkish society.
In cooperation with German business organisations and Turkish partners, Turkish language skills and vocational qualifications…